Intergovernmental Agreements – Selection Process

Each year the Ministry of Education announces a selection process for foreign study or research placements in countries with which the Czech Republic has intergovernmental agreements. Students from all universities in the Czech Republic can apply for these up to two-semester study placements, the selection of students taking place centrally at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

On the basis of these intergovernmental agreements students can study for example in Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Estonia, France, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Macedonia, Mongolia, Germany, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Details of the selection process at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to individual countries and details concerning the deadlines for applications can be found on the pages of the Academic Agency DZS MŠMT (only in Czech).

Aside from the selection process at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports you can also as a student of Masaryk University use a so-called quota, which are allocated to MU as part of the intergovernmental agreement.

Participation Conditions

  • All MU students can apply, however students who are not Czech citizens will first need to find out from the embassy of the target country and the DZS what is possible for them. This is not necessary when an EU citizen applies to the EU member state.
  • Further information on deadlines and conditions for individual countries can be found on the pages of the Academic Information Agency (only in Czech).

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Zita Hrabovská

tel: +420 549 494 870


  • Depending on country, October to February
    Further information on the AIA website
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